Saturday, February 12, 2011



Social Networking

  • facebook logo Facebook - Facebook is a popular social networking site. Join our Facebook community and talk about relevant TBI issues.
  • linkedin icon LinkedIn - LinkedIn is a professional networking site. Join the group if you work with the TBI community.
  • youtube logo YouTube - YouTube is a video sharing and networking site. Check out our YouTube channel featuring TBI-related videos, stories, and original content.
  • twitter logo Twitter - Twitter exists to answer the question "what are you doing?" Users post what they are up to and subscribe to each others' profiles to stay on top of what their friends are doing. Follow us on Twitter and stay up to date with the latest headlines and info on TBI.

Linking Information

When linking to, please use one of the following examples.
Single link with no description:
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Resource -
Copy and paste the code below into your site or blog:
<a href="">Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Resource -</a>

Traumatic Brain Injury Facts and Information
Copy and paste the code below into your site or blog:
<a href="">Traumatic Brain Injury Facts and Information</a>
Link with description:
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Resource - offers facts, information, resources, and support for preventing, treating, and living with TBI.
Copy and paste the code below into your site or blog:
<a href="">Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Resource</a> - offers facts, information, resources, and support for preventing, treating, and living with TBI.
Please feel free to use a text link or use one of the large or small logos provided for an image link. The logo is available in JPEG, GIF, PNG, and EPS. Please click one of the links below to download the logo.

BrainLine logo large

Dimensions for large logo - 269 x 92 pixels
BrainLine logo small

Dimensions for small logo - 100 x 37 pixels
BrainLine Logo (Large):
Click here for JPEG
Click here for GIF
Click here for PNG

BrainLine Logo (Small):
Click here for JPEG
Click here for GIF
Click here for PNG

BrainLine Logo (Vector):
Click here for AI

Embedding Video on Your Website uses a third-party API (Application Programming Interface) that makes it very easy to embed our video into your site. Find the video you want, play it, click on the "get code" button under the video display, choose the code you want, and copy and paste into your page.
Embed code button on video player

BrainLine welcomes comments on how to improve the site.

widget 3

<script>var BLWIDGET_width= 200; var BLWIDGET_height= 400; var BLWIDGET_postcount= 5;</script><script type="text/javascript" src=" widget requires the use of javascript!</noscript>

widget 2

<script>var BLWIDGET_width= 200; var BLWIDGET_height= 400; var BLWIDGET_postcount= 5;</script><script type="text/javascript" src=" widget requires the use of javascript!</noscript>

widget for

<script>var BLWIDGET_width= 200; var BLWIDGET_height= 400; var BLWIDGET_postcount= 5;</script><script type="text/javascript" src=" widget requires the use of javascript!</noscript>